Looking to Hire Android Developers?

According to Statista today, the Android market OS account for 72.84% of all mobile phones worldwide, and that number is estimated to climb to 87.4%

by 2023. Global mobile app revenue in2019 reached $462 billion and is predicted to rise to $936 billion by 2023 as the total number of Android users grows from 2 billion in 2018 to as much as 3.5 billion in 2023.

Aciety is a network that connects businesses with the best dedicated Android developers


With the rapid growth of mobile usage in the past few years, having an app for your business has become a necessity. On that note, developing Android apps can help you reach countless users, however, due to the competitiveness of the app market where only 1 from 10K mobile apps survive, hiring a top Android application developer is vital for you to succeed while creating a profitable app to stand out from the crowd. Here’s our short guide on how to find top-notch talent and some best practices for you while hiring an android app developer.

Android Dedicated Teams

We help businesses speed up the software development process without spending time or money hiring new people.

Fast Recruitment

We have 100,000+ developers in our talent pool across the EU who are ready to work with you and get started as soon as possible.

Team Augmentation

If you are interested in expanding your team, we can help identify and hire android developers that would complement your organization.

Highest Quality

We guarantee a scalable app that exceeds your expectations. Our QA experts will ensure every aspect of your app meets our high standards.


Android is the leading mobile operating system worldwide, having almost three billion active users – and the number is only growing. Having that in mind, it’s important to choose professional and dedicated developers and programmers to work with your company’s Android applications. Aciety is here to help with all the questions which may arise in the hiring process.

Native Android App Development

Our dedicated Android developer will create custom Apps for different devices and operating systems. We can help you reach customers on an international level, regardless of your business size or budget. ( Android Studio , Kotlin, Java )

In contrast to web pages and web applications, native mobile applications are not browser-based. They must be downloaded through platform-specific app stores such as the Apple App Store or Google Play. After installation, you can access each program by pressing its symbol on your device's screen.

Native application development demands a distinct set of skills and technology than developing a mobile website. You do not need to be concerned about browser behavior or compatibility. You can leverage the native capabilities of mobile operating systems to deliver the user experience and execute the app's functionality.

There are two sorts of mobile applications: native and hybrid. Both appear to have similar features and designs at first look, however, the underlying technology is quite different. Hybrid apps, as the name implies, are a blend of web applications and native mobile applications. They can be built with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, you can publish them to app stores, where consumers may download them as native Android or iOS applications.

The primary benefits of hybrid applications are mobility and ease of development. You simply need to write one line of code for your hybrid application to run on many operating systems. You may construct cross-platform hybrid applications using hybrid frameworks like Ionic and Apache Cordova. Native mobile applications, on the other hand, must be created in platform-specific languages like Java, Swift, or Objective-C.

By default, native mobile apps may use built-in smartphone functionalities such as the camera and microphone. If you are developing a hybrid application, you must rely on plugins such as Cordova plugins to take advantage of the native capabilities of the user's device.

Additionally, hybrid applications rely on WebViews to render their user interfaces. WebViews are embedded web browsers that enable mobile applications to access and display web content. This is how Android and iOS devices can execute hybrid applications designed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript natively.

Dedicated Android App Design Services

Looking to hire Android developers or design services, our dedicated UI/UX team offers large-scale experience in designing Android apps that are the most innovative Android apps that users immediately will follow in love.

The appearance and feel of a mobile application are referred to as app design. This comprises all visual and interactive components that contribute to the app's functionality.

Mobile application design is a synthesis of two concepts—user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).

The user interface (UI) defines the look and feel of the application. It covers design elements such as color, typeface, app style, and related selections. The user experience (UX) design places a premium on the app's functionality and ease of use.

Numerous folks have fantastic app ideas. However, without a high-quality UI and UX design, it will be difficult to retain users. Whether you're developing an eCommerce app, an internal employee app, a fitness app, or any other type of app, design should always take precedence.

That is why it is critical to invest in app design from the start. A small investment now will ultimately save you money and secure a stronger return on investment for your app in the future.

Android App Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance of your App is where streamlined performance, user satisfaction, high-end security, & reduce development cost spent on fixing defects. You get faster performance and improvement in the bottom line.

What is Quality Assurance in mobile & web app development?

Let's review a few facts regarding Quality Assurance (or simply QA) in mobile application development to assist you to understand what it is and what role it plays.

Quality Assurance:

a) Is a process for preventing errors in developed applications and avoiding problems when delivering them to users 

b) Is a component of the application development process focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be met  

c) Is accountable for client/user training, standard-setting, quality review, and tool selection. 

Training. If your app is targeted at a certain group of customers who require orientation to the product, your QA team should guarantee that they receive training.

Normative setting. QA can recommend an app environment, indicate which system version your app should support, recommend which devices to test your app on, and advise on security risks, such as those seen in banking apps.

Quality assurance — through human testing and the development and execution of automated tests.

Choosing tools – for example, a test automation framework (such as Espresso, XCTest, or Appium) or a test management tool 

Quality Assurance is not a stage in a linear app development process that occurs after the app's code is complete.

Quality assurance is integrated into each level of development and is active at all times.

Continuous Integration is a useful practice that should be implemented throughout the application development process to aid in Quality Assurance. Continuous integration needs developers to integrate code into a shared repository on a daily basis. Each check-in is then validated by automated tests, which enables teams to identify errors early. By integrating on a consistent basis, the development team can identify and track down issues more rapidly.

Android In-app Update

Dedicated Android engineers can help your business stay updated by ensuring that your app stays up to date with the technical requirements of the latest version. App security is important, without it, your app can cause the company to experience a severe blow in terms of both credibility and profits.

When customers keep your app updated on their devices, they have access to new features as well as performance and bug fixes. While some users enable automatic updates when connecting to an unmetered connection, others may require prompting to install updates. In-app updates are a feature of the Play Core library that prompts active users to upgrade their apps.

The Play Core framework enables your app to offer the following user experience processes for in-app updates:

Updates that are flexible

Flexible updates enable to download and installation in the background while gracefully monitoring the situation. This UX flow is ideal when the user may continue to use the app while the update is being downloaded. For instance, you may like to encourage users to experiment with a new feature that is not crucial to the app's fundamental functioning.

Updates in real-time

Immediate updates are full-screen UX routines that require the user to update and restart the app before it can be used again. This UX cycle is optimal for situations where an update is crucial to the app's basic functionality. When a user accepts an immediate update, Google Play takes care of the update installation and restart of the program.


Mobile App Maintenance Services


Our maintenance and support services for Android apps are designed to help optimize your business needs. We’ll help you adapt to evolving technologies and advancements. Be sure our dedicated Android engineers will take care of your software. 

As a business owner, you must prioritize long-term maintenance in order to prevent your app from becoming obsolete.

1. Keeping Mobile Applications Up-to-Date and Minimizing Uninstalls

It's prudent to monitor user sentiment and curate features that reflect their preferences and annoyances. Users are acutely aware of functionality and benefits, and if something falls short of their expectations, they may delete your program.

Thus, the bottom line is that you must constantly monitor and update user preferences and expectations.

Even the app stores have high-quality criteria, and if your app listing does not fulfill those standards, it may be rejected.

If you notice a decline in your app's rankings, the platforms may decide to conduct a cleansing of their stores and delete your app. Consider updating your application with new features and APIs.

2. Improving User Experiences

There is no secret to the success and growth of your software. You must improve user experiences (UX).

A pleasing user experience enables you to:

  • Establish and maintain long-term relationships with users
  • Increase good feedback and reviews
  • Increasing user retention
  • Boost customer retention
  • Wow! With such benefits, it's appropriate to exert additional effort and deliver amazing user experiences.

3. Increased Return on Investment in the Long Run

When you update your software on a regular basis, you can reap numerous financial benefits, including increased ROI. Additionally, it will benefit from a continuous search for novel ways to reduce expenses and recruit new consumers. How might routine maintenance assist? It's fairly straightforward! When you patch a single bug, you can spread the expense of bug fixes across a longer period of time.

4. Eliminating downtime and revenue loss

Any downtime could result in significant income loss. Significant revenue losses have occurred as a result of downtime at large organizations such as Bank of America Online Banking, Blackberry, and Amazon Web Services.

When your team responds proactively to such downtimes, it's pretty likely that you'll avoid significant losses while also earning happier users.

5. Protecting Your Mobile Application from Cyber Attacks

With the proliferation of mobile applications, there is an increased demand for cybersecurity. As an app developer, you are accountable for the app's and website's security.

When hackers are constantly looking for vulnerabilities and novel ways to steal your personal and financial information, you can always focus on app maintenance and updating apps to the latest security measures.

With so many advantages, app owners should budget for app maintenance expenditures. Following that, let's discuss the many sorts of mobile app maintenance.


Mobile App Porting Services


Take advantage of our scalable mobile app porting services to boost the mobile app ecosystem of your company. Dedicated Android developers efficiently port applications into or from Android App.

Porting is the way of transforming an application in order for it to be set for use on a variety of hardware devices. For instance, if you developed your app on iOS first, you may convert it to Android or vice versa using app porting.

Why should you consider migrating your mobile application? The key reason for this is that app porting is less expensive than designing an app from scratch. Second, by porting your app to various platforms, you can extend your business and boost your return on investment.

Businesses worldwide are porting their apps from one platform to another in response to the growing demand for numerous platforms.

If you want to successfully port your application, you will need the assistance of a qualified and experienced development team. Aciety has more than 10 years of expertise in developing mobile applications. As a result, we have expertise porting apps for clients in a variety of industries.

We have a talented pool of mobile application dedicated Android App developers who are proficient with cutting-edge tools and technology. Our experts will analyze your application and port it to the preferred platform.

Custom Android Apps Development

  • e-Learning Android App
  • Location-Based Services Apps
  • Travel & Booking Android App
  • Social Media Android App
  • e-Commerce Android App
  • ERP Android App
  • Game & Media Android App
  • Support Android App H3

How to hire Android developers?

Skills, professionalism, and the ability to fulfill your company’s requirements are just a few qualities to look for when it comes to hiring an Android application developer. It is not always simple to find the right match. Hiring developers which fit your company’s needs just right has never been so easy. Here is a step-by-step guide on how it is done: