What If Every Lead You Received
Would Fit You Perfectly?

Your channels bring you leads that are not always a great match for you but might be for others.
Exchange every lead that does not suite you well for the one that does!


Lead Exchange Sounds Great,
but is it For Me?

There’s a big chance that it is. Communicating with you via text is interesting, but talking live would help answer this question much easier and quicker.

The number one lead exchange conversation (pre-)starter we have with service providers is “We do not have leads that we could exchange” and yet 1 out of 3, in fact, start using the program after the conversation.

A woman looks at the screen

So is it for you?

Let’s have a call and turn it to 100% clarity.

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More than 200 companies already participate
in Lead Exchange

TeleSoftasNix SolutionsEleksMetrixNovian

Lead Exchange in Numbers

120k EUR on average

50k - 500k EUR dedicated team projects. 15k - 100k MVP and fix bid solutions.

4 480 000 EUR biggest to date

The biggest quality lead sent to Lead Exchangers has been 4 480 000 EUR / year (70 developers request, long-term).

Quality lead back in 95+% cases

95+% of Lead Exchangers receive 1.7 lead on average per lead sent.

Aciety changes leads with supplier

Lead Exchange Scoring - Send When You Have, Apply When You Want

The average lead sent through Lead Exchange is 37 thousand EUR, while ranging from 5 to 500 thousand EUR / year (from basic websites to complex projects, or teams of 10+ developers).

When you send a lead for exchange, it receives a score. Once the lead is recorded in our platform, it is evaluated by its quality and a score is assigned to it accordingly. Generally, 50 thousand EUR lead (i.e. 1 developer for 6 months is equal to 1 Lead Exchange Score point), meaning if you send such a lead to the platform, you can redeem a fitting similar size lead back once you’re ready to apply.

It is worth noting that 1 Lead Exchange Score equals 50 thousand EUR lead. And sending such a lead saves you 600 EUR (compared to buying Lead Exchange Score points instead).

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How it Works

Once you register to Aciety platform, account manager will contact you to answer any questions and to help maximize the flow of leads from Aciety.

Pass your irrelevant lead

Got a lead you aren’t planning to service?
- Reply to lead’s email with a recommendation or without a recommendation, cc [email protected] and bcc [email protected] OR
- Send it the way you like. Just make sure we receive it.

Get a quality lead in return

That’s it! You’re registered as an active Lead Exchanger and receive a relevant lead when we have a match.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Any potential client that expresses interest in hiring remote developers or buying software services from you, but you cannot or do not want to service them - is IRRELEVANT. Usually clients are irrelevant if their request does not match your skill set, availability, pricing or (expected) client quality. You can send such clients to Aciety (for us to process and qualify them) and get a qualified lead in return.
Almost any leads are ok. We’re doing our qualification before linking them to suppliers. The main requirement is that a client is in contact with you and you connect us directly to them. We generally do not process 'freelance' type of projects (i.e. anything smaller than 5000 EUR).
Our goal is to send you quality matching leads you can actually win. Yet, to manage expectations well, we oblige to send you leads that match your profile, yet are similar in terms of quality to the ones that you pass. In other words, if you send only poor quality leads, we cannot promise you high quality ones in return.
Many providers, when starting cooperation with Aciety, disclose their natural concern over their reputation if sending the lead to Aciety. You can pass the lead without recommendation, which explicitly tells that you are new to our platform and cannot recommend it, yet. As we successfully deliver at close to 100% in projects won, in reality there is nothing to be afraid of. Eventually, most partners end up using the email with recommendation, as it produces higher overall conversion (which grows your internal platform score).
There are two options:
a) sub-contract to Aciety and manage the client yourself (i.e. rent developers from one of our suppliers);
b) simply pass the client to us, but mention such potential. We will match the client to suppliers, who do not provide services that you do and hence when client returns - you won’t need to compete with them.
We provide a lead back in around 95%+ of cases. Some exceptions apply:
a) if the lead is of very low quality (example price research without intent to order), we’ll inform you that lead was not counted as valid (you can track your Lead Scoring in the company dashboard).
b) if you provide a niched service, we may not necessarily have a sufficient stream of projects back for you. In such cases, we simply split the commission 50/50 from leads that you send us.
Absolutely not. We work both with small and big (1000+ developers) suppliers, some of whom have substantial budgets, or overall good reputation / sales personnel. All such companies send good leads on average and expect similarly good leads in return. Leads sent through Aciety Lead Exchange do not differ much in their metrics (length, win rate, budget, pricing, etc.) from the requests we and our suppliers receive using other means.
Yes. You can stack a couple small (ex. 4 x 30 000 EUR) for bigger (ex. 1 x 120 000 EUR). This will be reflected in your Lead Exchange score, which accounts for size of the leads you send and apply to.
Yes. Just inform us about such preference and we’ll split commission earnings for projects won rather than send relevant leads back.
First come first serve basis. The commission (or lead back) is counted only for the first one who sent the lead.
Yes. If you send the lead and are busy in the next 3 months, you can request to prolong the time. We’ll send you the lead back later, when you have sufficient availability.
Absolutely. That’s a preferred way of cooperation - some suppliers include Lead Exchange into their marketing, sales, lead qualification processes and pass their irrelevant lead flows to Aciety. Systematic approach yields way better results, in some cases companies both sending/receiving hundreds of leads via Aciety per year.
a) Sign-up, talk to Aciety manager, sign a contract, fill your profile if you haven’t done it before.
b) When you get an irrelevant lead, pass it to Aciety.
c) Get a lead in return and submit your offer. Optional: talk to Aciety manager to ensure your competitiveness.
d) Win the lead and work directly with the client.

Contact us

We’re here to help! To get a response from us, just fill out the form below with all the relevant details and we will get back to you within 24-36 working hours.


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