2000+ companies from entire Eastern-Central Europe, clients from Europe, US, Australia & many countries globally.
A unique role in making the market more efficient - Aciety has organized its business model to ensure fair result both to client and to supplier.
Aciety is built to automate and scale to entire global IT outsourcing service market.
Access vast amount of information on hundreds of IT projects & become a broad expert in the industry.
From once a highly perspective, IT is becoming THE market, encompassing a major fraction in global economy.
Get involved in sales from lead generation to communication with all stakeholders in project decision making.
In IT market only 77% projects are delivered successfully, in Aciety - >95%. Be part of helping everyone succeed.
In Eastern Europe alone, Aciety plans growing to around 200 employees. As an early employee, your position will grow together.
Besides giving an overall highly competitive salary, Aciety is one of the few in Lithuania rewarding its employees with shares of the company.
Aciety is horizontally managed and result oriented. Each employee has power to decide, innovate, work autonomously & form a personally fitting work-life balance.
Growth potential of a start-up and low risks of a business. We are profitable, funded (295 thousand EUR funding from EU; private rounds from 50 investors) and expect to more than double our team every year for the next 3 years.