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Get more software
for less with TAP

The only universal software discount coupon!

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What is TAP?

TAP is a software coupon that has its value based on the total amount of products available in the Aciety Product Marketplace. Each new product that signs TAP coupon agreement increases overall obligations from product companies and hence - value for each TAP. It allows Aciety customers to buy TAP when its price is lower and spend it on software later - the change in value is their effective discount on software spending.

TAP Coupon - Get the early bird benefits by becoming an Aciety Client and acquiring the coupon today!

Receive TAP when each coupon is only 1 EUR+

Benefit from growing choice and discounts when new products join

At ~10,000 products, all 10,000,000 TAP coupons will be distributed

At maturity TAP will become a universal software coupon (i.e. any company could find software it needs)


10.9 Million EUR Agreements Signed + 12.6 Million EUR in process


How it works


Product companies sign-up with Aciety


Obligation to sell product for TAP is signed


TAP becomes unlocked for sale as a result


Each TAP is backed by software as a consequence


Total issued TAP can buy the totality of listed software

Note. TAP is an accumulating discount coupon - each month the effective discount grows since the value of 1 TAP is equal to: a sum of obligations from all product companies and divided by 10,000,000 TAP

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