Aciety Shop

Aciety shop

More Leads, More Wins,
More Opportunities

Use TAP or buy a selection of Aciety products!

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TAP (Token of Aciety Platform)

TAP (Token of Aciety Platform)

TAP - Buy an evolving discount coupon backed by software on Aciety Marketplace

Premium Offer credits

Premium Offer credits

Premium positions - Aciety Premium Position gives you a guaranteed 1st position in Client Offer increasing your chances to win



Badges - If eligible then get selected and buy a badge displaying your excellence compared to other service providers

Lead Exchange Score credits

Lead Exchange Score credits

LE Scoring - Buy Lead Exchange Score as it determines if you're eligible to receive Client Leads


What Aciety Offers?

Over the years we found our software service companies to need a variety of premium options, enabling to get more leads, using the crowd-sourced knowledge to offer the most competitive offers to clients, ensuring you can provide quality and clients see that in their eyes, and much more.

Use your TAP, or buy premium opportunities from Aciety!

Badge+ - get your top skills featured across the platform and web

Premium positions - get to be on top in offers

Lead Exchange Score Credits - get more leads

TAP - get discounts on all Aciety products

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